
Seeking Asylum & Mental Health: Book Launch at RR

On Thursday 6th October, we hosted the book launch of “Seeking Asylum and Mental Health: A Practical Guide for Professionals”. It was more than a book launch as we had the opportunity to hear from editors and authors of the book about the fascinating work they do.


Our Annual Public Meeting, 2021

On Friday 12 Nov 2021 we held our annual public meeting with the Syrian community in Manchester at Birch Community Centre. The meeting provided us the opportunity to give updates about the work we carried out in the last year most especially during the lockdown.


Community research: Belonging in neighbourhoods for dispersed communities

On Thursday, 11 Nov 2021, Dr Moaz El Sayed, our Research & Advocacy Officer was invited by Ambition for Ageing to a seminar called: Community research: Belonging in neighbourhoods for dispersed communities’. Dr El Sayed spoke about some points related to conducting research reflecting on our experience in conducting research with elderly refugees.

