On Friday 14 June, we particpated in a reception to celebrate A Great British Welcome exhibition on Manchester’s Market Street.
The exhibition "A Great British Welcome," produced by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and Panos Pictures, highlights the inspiring stories of refugees, asylum seekers, and host communities flourishing together.
On Monday, 10 June 2024, we hosted an insightful episode of our online series: Refugees, the Lived Experience. Dr. Rik Huizinga presented his research on the homemaking experiences of young Syrian male refugees in the Netherlands, exploring how migration impacts their sense of masculinity and belonging.
On Tuesday 30 April 2024 we attended a conference organised by Migrant Help in Birmingham. It was a day packed with learning and collaboration, thanks to their generous funding. Highlights included sessions on community engagement, resilience building, and practical workshops on homelessness, employability, and safeguarding.
We had the pleasure of speaking to master’s students at the University of Manchester taking the module on migration and development. The aim was to introduce them to organisations aiding migrants and explore two questions: 1. How can organisations support migrants? 2. Where does 'development' occur?
Rethink Rebuild Society
First Floor
Discovery House
Crossley Road
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 161 222 9779
Mobile: +44 7730 194083