Our work would not be possible without your generous contributions. Every little bit counts!
Please choose from the following to set up a one-time or continuous monthly donation.
You can also send your contribution through bank transfer to RR bank account:
■ Account name: Rethink Rebuild Society
■ Bank: Lloyds Bank
■ Sort code: 30-96-26
■ Account number: 81874868
■ IBAN: GB55LOYD30962681874868
■ BIC: LOYDGB21446
If you are donating by cheque, please make it payable to "Rethink Rebuild Society" and send it to the following address:
Rethink Rebuild Society, First Floor, Discovery House, Crossley Road, Stockport, SK4 5BH
Please choose from the following to set up a one-time or continuous monthly donation.

You can also send your contribution through bank transfer to RR bank account:
■ Account name: Rethink Rebuild Society
■ Bank: Lloyds Bank
■ Sort code: 30-96-26
■ Account number: 81874868
■ IBAN: GB55LOYD30962681874868
■ BIC: LOYDGB21446
If you are donating by cheque, please make it payable to "Rethink Rebuild Society" and send it to the following address:
Rethink Rebuild Society, First Floor, Discovery House, Crossley Road, Stockport, SK4 5BH