Annual Gathering

Wonderful 9th Annual Syrian Fun Day

On Saturday 8 June 2019, we celebrated our 9th Annual Syrian day at the Abraham Moss Community School in Manchester. Despite the gloomy weather, we are pleased to announce that the event was a remarkable success. It was reported that around 1300 people from different backgrounds, Syrians and non-Syrians came together to celebrate Eid al-Fitr with their families and friends.


Amazing 8th Annual Syrian Fun Day

We are happy to report that our 8th Annual Syrian day, celebrated on Sunday the 17th of June at the Abraham Moss Community School, was a great success! More than 1500 people from all different backgrounds came together to celebrate Eid Alfitr, with delicious Syrian food and traditional music, in addition to the children entertainment and the adult quizzes.


Seventh Annual Syrian Family Fun Day, a huge success

Over 1500 Syrians from across the UK and their non-Syrian friends attended our 7th annual Syrian fun day in Manchester on Saturday the 2nd of September. It was held this year at the Albion Academy in Salford and it was a hugely successful event that bought hundreds of Syrians from across the UK to connect with their local communities and to celebrate Eid Al-Adha.


Annual Gathering

We held our annual gathering on 2 May to update the community on our work and to receive questions and suggestions from our membership. We were extremely pleased that the room was packed, highlighting the strong relationship that we have with our community.



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