
In furtherance of its charitable objectives, RR strives to raise awareness on issues related to refugees and immigrants within the British landscape through work on policy and media. Because of our daily work with Syrian refugees, we serve as a critical source of information on the Syrian conflict for journalists and through our professional relationships with these journalists we work on the framework by which refugee crises, particularly in Syria, are discussed. RR also organises seminars and hosts academic conferences that draw in leading academics and community organisers for discussion and insight on often overlooked aspects of the Syrian conflict and other conflicts in the region.
Recent news in Advocacy section

British citizens lose their lives in Syria: Assad holds primary responsibility

British citizens lose their lives in Syria: Assad holds primary responsibility

We, Syrians in the UK, condemn the murder of our fellow Briton David Haines at the hands of the so-called 'Islamic State' and wish to offer our deepest condolences to his friends and family. The murder of David reminds us all of the murder of Dr Abbas Khan in December 2013 at the hands of the Assad regime.


HSBC Closing Syrians' Accounts

HSBC has been turning down customers, inhibited or closed accounts, or refused mortgages for customers because their identity is Syrian. Rethink Rebuild Society has been documenting such cases and has released this information to the media.

The campaign has attracted noticeable media attention.

