Voices from Syria in at Cairo Street Unitarian Chapel in Warrington

Four of RR's members presented the 'Voices from Syria' talk at Cairo Street Unitarian Chapel in Warrington on Wednesday 23 March 2016.

Bob Janis-Dillon, who hosted the event at his Chaplaincy, posted after the event:
"An incredibly poignant evening at Cairo Street Unitarian Chapel last night, listening to the stories of Syrians who had been detained, tortured, watched barrel bombs fall on their cities and destroy everything. These are some of the most courageous people you will ever meet: community activists who risked their lives for freedom and fairness, soldiers who disobeyed orders to commit atrocities. People who exemplified the best of what it means to be human, and came near death any of times in the process. Humbling, humbling stuff".

It was an emotional night in sharing our stories and it was great to see how many people want to help Syria. Thank you to everyone who attended and to Bob and Zubia who invited us. The picture above is from the Warrington warehouse which we visited after the talk, which the local community is using to collect donations to send to Syria (managed by the super Nora). Will definitely be seeing our Warrington friends again!
