OBJECTOR: Film Screening & Discussion

On Friday, 15 December 2023, we presented the screening of the film OBJECTOR (2019), followed by a captivating Q&A session with Atalya Ben-Abba, the film's main character, on Zoom from Jerusalem.

The film highlighted the mandatory military service for all Israeli youth, focusing on Atalya, who, unlike many, questions the norms of her country's military. Determined to challenge this obligatory rite of passage, she refuses military duty, leading to her imprisonment for dissent. OBJECTOR takes us on Atalya's journey, providing a unique perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the eyes of a young woman who seeks truth and stands up for justice.

We were delighted to see a fantastic turnout for the event. The film sparked thoughtful reflections, and the questions during the Q&A were both insightful and engaging.
