Our policy document "Syria Between Dictatorship and ISIS: What can the United Kingdom Do?" will be launched in Parliament on Tuesday 27 October in Committee Room 9 from 12-2 pm.
This document has been endorsed by Syrian groups across the county. It is presented as a comprehensive plan of action for the UK to help end the conflict in Syria.
We will be joined by a panel who have direct experience of life under Assad, the brutality of ISIS as well as the impact on British nationals who are Syrian.
Details of the event:
Date: Tuesday 27th October 2015
Venue: Committee Room 9, House of Commons
Time: 12pm to 2pm
Panel speakers
Jeff Smith MP: Chair
Yasmine Nahlawi: Advocacy & Policy Coordinator, Rethink Rebuild Society
Farah Al: former detainee in Assad's prison and UK citizen
Yasser Al Jassem: Syrian refugee
Please RSVP to Yasmine Nahlawi at advocacy@rrsoc.org
Please contact Amina Lone at Jeff.Smith.mp@parliament.uk or on 07799 008522 should you have any further questions.