Rethink Rebuild Society
Biannual Newsletter - Issue #36, 31/12/2021


Take care and stay safe!

Despite the unpleasant reality created by the COVID pandemic, our team were busy as bees in supporting refugees, offering English classes, providing educational and art workshops, and organising a charity bazaar for Syrian children. We also delivered talks and met with policy makers to ensure that the UK remains a welcoming country for refugees who are in desperate need for protection and support.

Rethink Rebuild Society was part of the advisory group that welcomed Little Amal to Manchester. I was honoured to be one of four community leaders selected to welcome her at the finale of The Walk in Manchester.

Yet, with the start of 2022, we are aware that COVID is still very much among us. So please take care and stay safe!

Best regards,

Haytham Alhamwi


"COVID is Still Here" Campaign

RR has ended a 2-month campaign that aligns with the GMCVO campaign: “Safely Living with COVID-19”. During that campaign we posted tens of posts and materials on social media in....

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An Awareness Session on Anti-Social Behaviour

RR hosted an interactive workshop for youth about anti-social behaviour on Saturday 18th December. The workshop aimed to raise awareness about this issue which has a huge impact on...

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Session on Domestic Abuse

On Wednesday 10 November, RR hosted a session on domestic abuse. The session was delivered by Safety 4 Sisters and focused on what support and advice can be offered to women experience abuse especially women from a migrant background..

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Coding 4 Children: Online Course

On Thursday 16th September, RR hosted an online course about coding entitled "Coding 4 Children" and was delivered by "Kids&Codes" organisation. The course focused on introduction to programming, practice coding with different tools..

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Charity Bazaar 4 Iqraa School

RR hosted in December a charity Bazaar in support of Iqraa School. Members from the local community in Manchester generously donated items that were sold at the bazaar. The bazaar attracted a good turnout and was a good opportunity to..

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Upcoming Events


'Gholam' Film Screening
RR Centre, Manchester
Wednesday, 7:00 pm

Celebrating Syria Festival
Various venues
17 Days

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Unit 7, Longsight Business Park, Manchester, M13 0PD
0161 222 9779 - 07730 194083
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