Rethink Rebuild Society
Biannual Newsletter - Issue #35, 30/06/2021


We can’t wait to see you again!

Community support is at the heart of our work. We maintained our contact with our community through constructive online projects aimed at informing them about the key issues pertaining to their education, health, business, and more broadly, their life in the UK. Our remarkable achievement this year has been the release of five videos in Arabic to raise awareness about the health system in England amongst Arabic-speaking refugees.

As the restrictions ease, we are hopeful to resume our physical activities that you enjoyed throughout the years. Please, keep an eye on our website and Facebook page. We have plenty of upcoming events that are both entertaining and thought provoking. We miss you a lot and we cannot wait to see your lovely faces again!

Best regards,

Haytham Alhamwi


Videos on the Health System in England

We are thrilled to introduce a series of five videos in Arabic language that aim to raise awareness about the Health System in England amongst Arabic-speaking communities....

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Successful Fundraising for Iqraa School

This Ramadan, we successfully secured considerable amount of the funding required for the running of Iqraa School in north Syria for the upcoming academic year..

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Living in the UK Courses

In January and February 2021, RR hosted four information sessions about living in the UK. The sessions focused on UK life, history and culture and the basic information needed to pass the Life in the UK..

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Start-up Business: Road Map to Success

Our eighth and ninth information sessions talked about Start-up business. The two sessions were held Wednesday 10 February and Tuesday 23 February 2020. The sessions covered the following topics: planning for your new start-up business..

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RR calls for the UK’s Home Secretary Priti Patel to Rethink the “New Plan for Immigration”

On 24 March 2021, the Home Secretary Priti Patel made a statement to parliament setting out the new plan for immigration, including the deportation of refugees and asylum seekers arriving in the UK via routes deemed illegal..

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Upcoming Events


Upcoming physical activities will be announced after the restrictions ease
To follow our online activities, please LIKE our Facebook page:

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Rethink Rebuild Society
Registered in England and Wales as a charity (1177807)
and as a company limited by guarantee (08528808)
Unit 7, Longsight Business Park, Manchester, M13 0PD
0161 222 9779 - 07730 194083
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