Rethink Rebuild Society
Quarterly Newsletter - Issue #32, 31/12/2019


A New Year, A New Hope!

In November 2019, Rethink Rebuild Society was the winner of Manchester Culture Awards within the category of Promotion of Equality and Diversity. The ceremony, which took place on 9th of November, aimed to celebrate and profile the fantastic arts and cultural activity in the city. Thank you to everyone who nominated us!

The news coming from Syria around the beginning of the New Year is far from reassuring! But we have no other choice but to persevere. Syrian refugees and the British Syrian community in general should stay strong and hopeful that the day when peace and justice will prevail is coming soon.

Best regards,

Haytham Alhamwi


'Celebrating Syria' 2019, Another Successful Festival

For the third year running, RR has successfully organised “Celebrating Syria” Festival over eight days in November. The festival presented the arts and culture of the Syrian people through music, song, panels, literature, exhibitions, and variety of artistic..

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"Get Your Voice Heard" Awareness Session

In collaboration with the UK Parliament Education services, Rethink Rebuild Society had a successful workshop to "Learn How the UK Parliament Works" on Wednesday 27 November. During the session the speaker Mr Gary Hart, a Senior Education and Engagement..

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Awareness Session on Cancer Early Detection

In collaboration with Nour AL-Sham Foundation and Answer Cancer Programme, Rethink Rebuild Society hosted an awareness session on the importance of the early detection of cancer. With focus on the four common types of cancer: Cervical..

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Rethink Rebuild at Erasmus Plus Training Programme

As part of Erasmus Plus Training Programme, RR's manager Dr Haytham Alhamwi provided a talk on 17 December 2019 at Sharon Youth Centre on 17 December 2019. The program hosted participants from 9 different countries. The talk highlighted many..

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Let's End Hate Crime!

Rethink Rebuild Society hosted a seminar on hate crime in our multi-facility room on Sunday 13 October. The speakers stressed the importance of recognising and reporting hate crime. After the talks, the floor was open for Q&A and the attendees added their..

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Upcoming Events


Seminar: The Role of Humanitarian Organizations During the Syrian Crisis
RR Centre, Manchester
Sunday, 6:00 pm

Movie Screening and Exhibition Launch
RR Centre, Manchester
Wednesday, 7:30 pm

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0161 222 9779 - 07730 194083
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