Rethink Rebuild Society
Quarterly Newsletter - Issue #30, 30/06/2019


Syrian Refugees, Engagement & Resilience

Recently, the Assad regime and its Russian ally launched another extermination campaign on Idlib, resulting in the death of dozens of civilians and the mass destructions of homes and civilian facilities. The consequences of the dire situation in Syria are reflecting on the lives of Syrians in the UK.

As part of our commitment to improve the wellbeing of Syrian refugees, we hosted a successful conference on “Therapeutic Work with Syrian Refugees” in June and we launched a series of 50 videos titled “Memories from Syria” to dispel misconceptions about Syrians residing in the UK. RR is committed to remain a strong advocate for the humanitarian and just cause of Syrians.

Best regards,

Haytham Alhamwi


Therapeutic Work with Syrian Refugees

We successfully hosted a one-day conference on therapeutic work with Syrian refugees on Thursday 20 June. The conference aimed at creating a space for therapists and mental health practitioners working therapeutically with Syrian refugees to reflect..

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Unique Tour in Manchester’s City Centre

On Saturday 15th June 2019, we took part in a unique tour of the city centre organised by Invisible Manchester, a social enterprise that offers friendly walking tours by tour guides who have experienced homelessness. Our tour guide, Danny, was homeless for over..

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Wonderful 9th Annual Syrian Fun Day

We celebrated our 9th Annual Syrian day at the Abraham Moss Community School in Manchester on Saturday 8 June 2019. Despite the gloomy weather, the event was a remarkable success. Over 1300 people from different backgrounds..

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Presentation on the Designated Area Offence and the SRE in Schools

We hosted two community legal education presentations on Friday 3 May on the Designated Area Offence and the teaching of Sex and Relationship Education in English schools. The presentations were delivered by solicitor Nasir Hafezi..

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A City Seen: Memories from Syria

We had a fruitful film screening, poetry performance and panel discussion at HOME Manchester on Monday 29 April 2019. The film screening MemoriesfromSyria showed excerpts of the stories of Syrians in the UK who shared, in their own words, some of the..

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Upcoming Events


Under the Wire, Film screening & Discussion
RR Centre, Manchester
Wednesday, 7:00 pm

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