Good news for RR!
In the last three months we have spoken at many events that have presented the Home Office’s Community Sponsorship Scheme, which enables community groups to take on the role of supporting resettled refugees in the UK. We are pleased at the enthusiasm shown by many community groups to join this scheme. RR has offered, and is always happy to offer, any support or advice for groups who are willing to sponsor Syrian families in their communities.
A few days ago we received the good news that Rethink Rebuild Society has been accepted as a registered charity. This will enable us to further our work in improving the lives of refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants, in particular but not exclusively Syrians, helping them become positively established within British society. Thereby, we urge you to continue your financial support which is instrumental in making this happen.
Best regards,
Haytham Alhamwi
Managing Director