Rethink Rebuild Society
bi-monthly newsletter - Issue #18, 31/12/2016


Happy New Year!

It is my great honour to write my first newsletter message as Rethink Rebuild Society’s new General Manager. I am looking forward to building upon the success that RR team has already accomplished and to continue to look for new ways to increase the scope and capacity of our work to lobby for the Syrian cause. I am always open to feedback from our members as this is YOUR organisation.

As you all well know, I have assumed management of RR at a very difficult time for Syria. Assad and Russia’s escalated military campaign against East Aleppo was followed by a ceasefire agreement between Turkey and Russia. It is unclear how events will proceed, although we must not stop our advocacy work for civilian protection in Syria. Please continue to participate in our regular action alerts and consider setting up a standing order with us here to ensure that our work can be sustained.

Best regards,

Taha Saadelddin

General Manager

Alison McGovern MP’s visit to Rethink Rebuild

We met with Alison McGovern MP on 23 December. Alison, who is the co-chair of the Friends of Syria All-Party Parliamentary Group, kindly came to our office in Longsight, and we discussed how the situation in Syria may progress and how we should respond..

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Voices from Syria Event: What Is Aleppo?

In response to the international focus on Aleppo, we hosted an event at our office on 19 December titled 'What Is Aleppo?' This presentation therefore provided an overview of the Syrian conflict through the Syrian voice. We had a packed room of people who..

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Global Forum for Migration and Development in Bangladesh

We received an invitation to attend the Global Forum for Migration and Development in Dhaka Civil Society Days, Bangladesh on 8-10 December. We led a panel on using community initiatives to tackle racism and xenophobia..

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Channel 4 Interview: Uniting for Peace

In a Channel 4 interview on 28 November, we made the case that there is a way to circumvent the abusive Russian and Chinese vetoes in the UN Security Council through the Uniting for Peace mechanism. We expressed our hope that States will rally..

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London Sit-In for Aleppo

We participated in the London sit-in which from 15 to 17 December. This sit-in took place in front of 10 Downing Street and demanded UK action for Aleppo. A group from Manchester went from 15-16 December and another group went from..

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Upcoming Events


Voices from Syria
Didsbury Mosque, Manchester
Saturday, 6 pm

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