We need to keep going!
The news from Syria has become extremely difficult for many of us to bear. Daraya has been emptied of its residents. Aleppo is under daily bombardment by Assad and Russian forces. Many other places in Syria are facing similar threats, whether from Assad, Russia, Daesh, Iranian and Lebanese Shiite militias, Kurdish forces, and even the US-led Coalition against Daesh. Civilians have been targeted by all of these groups and the humanitarian catastrophe only continues to increase. This is why in the past two months, we have increasingly focused on linking activists on the ground to British media platforms. We have been successful in linking activists in Aleppo, Daraya, and Idlib, as well as refugees from Manbij with news platforms such as iTV, The Telegraph, various BBC mediums (Victoria Derbyshire, Newsnight, World Service), and more.
We have also continued with our work to highlight the plight of Syria within the UK. We carried out a successful Fast-a-thon campaign to raise awareness of besieged areas in Syria. We are currently engaged in a #SyriaFacts campaign to bring back the basics of the Syrian conflict given that many people within the British public still find themselves confused about very basic elements of the Syrian conflict. Moving forward, we will be reaching out to more MPs and stressing the importance of civilian protection. You can help us by letting us know who your MP is by filling this form.
Best regards,
Dr. Haytham Alhamwi
Managing Director