Rethink Rebuild Society
bi-monthly newsletter - Issue #14, 30/04/2016


We will never despair!

Despite the bleak news that we continue to receive from Syria, it gives us hope to see that the Syrian spirit is still alive and well. We participated in the London demonstration on 12 March marking the fifth anniversary of the Syrian uprising, standing side by side with Syrians and supporters from across the country.

We were also very honoured to host Syrian communities from across the UK on 10 April for our annual indoor family fun day. The British Syrian community has grown tremendously in the past year, and we were happy to welcome all of them, old and new, and hope that together we can continue to raise the voice of the Syrian people in this country. We hope that you will all continue to engage with us as we continue to amplify the Syrian voice.

Best regards,

Dr. Haytham Alhamwi

Managing Director

Fifth Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution

On Saturday 12th March we participated in the London protest to mark the fifth anniversary of the Syrian revolution. We renewed our commitment to a free and democratic Assad-free Syria and called on world powers to fulfil their moral obligations to the Syrian people.

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Meeting with Tim Farron MP

We met with Tim Farron MP (leader of the Lib-Dem Party) during the Lib-Dems' York conference on 12 March and discussed practical ways in which the Party can take a lead on Syria-related issues. We look forward to building upon this productive meeting.

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Meeting with Julie Ward MEP

We met with Julie Ward MEP on 25 March to discuss issues pertaining to Syria. Given Julie's passion for refugees, we spent a considerable amount of time discussing the UK's vulnerable persons relocation scheme and identifying ways to push and challenge the implementation of this scheme.

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Indoor Family Fun Day

We held our annual indoor family fun day on Sunday 10 April in Levenshulme High School. We were blessed with amazing weather, dedicated and selfless volunteers, and wonderful guests who came from Manchester, London, Birmingham, Leeds, Newcastle, and beyond!

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Rethink Rebuild Society. Short Film

We are very pleased to announce the completion of two promotional videos for Rethink Rebuild Society which have been produced by volunteers and community members. Read More:

Watch 1st Film
Watch 2nd Film

More news

Upcoming Events


RR Anual General Meeting
RR Multi-facility room, Manchester
Monday, 7:00 pm


Great Manchester Run
Etihad Staduim
Saturday, 10:00 am

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