On Friday 14 June, we particpated in a reception to celebrate A Great British Welcome exhibition on Manchester’s Market Street.
The exhibition "A Great British Welcome," produced by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and Panos Pictures, highlights the inspiring stories of refugees, asylum seekers, and host communities flourishing together.
Over nine months, renowned photographer Andrew Testa, a regular contributor to the New York Times, travelled across the UK with Hunadda Sabbagh-Džemidžić and Sarah Hayward of UNHCR. Hunadda and Sarah conducted interviews with UK communities, organisations, and individuals, resulting in a series of online stories.
For the first time outside London, the exhibition is on display on Market Street until Friday, 28 June, attracting over 300,000 visitors weekly.
The reception was attended by leading organisations from Manchester and the North West, such as the Boaz Trust, Refugee Action, North West Regional Strategic Migration Partnership (RSMP), Manchester City of Sanctuary, Rethink Rebuild, and Manchester Refugee Support Network. Guests from arts organisations, including Manchester Art Gallery, Commonword, and Manchester International Festival, also participated.