Rethink Rebuild Society hosted a talk by Dr Redwan El-Khayat on the moral development of young generation on Saturday 6 April 2019. In his talk, he focused on the importance of raising principled young generation with values. He gave examples from his project on the same topic which he has been implementing in Turkey and Syria.
On Friday the 1st of June we hosted a fundraising iftar to support Iqraa School in the Western suburbs of the Aleppo province, Syria. This school is funded by Manchester Community and implemented in collaboration with Syria Relief Charity. The school opened its doors for Syrian children in September 2014 and it accommodated about 500 students in 2015.
Rethink Rebuild Society
First Floor
Discovery House
Crossley Road
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 161 222 9779
Mobile: +44 7730 194083