Education Page

As a result of the conflict in Syria, millions of Syrian children have been without an education for the past few years. RR believes in the crucial role of education in helping Syria's younger generations to attain a brighter and more peaceful future. Therefore, RR, in collaboration with other UK-registered charities, has initiated a project to bring Syrian children back to school. We have helped establish over ten schools inside Syria, one of which is fully funded by the Syrian community of Manchester.
Recent news in Education section

Educational Projects

Educational Projects

RR in partnership with Syria Relief, Tauheedul Relief Trust and other charities are helping Syrian children get back to schools. Four regular schools and four field schools have been established in several locations inside Syria. Three other schools will start soon in the Eastern Ghouta of Damascus.


A successful fundraiser at ASDA Longsight superstore in Manchester

A successful fundraiser at ASDA Longsight superstore in Manchester

On Saturday,1 June 2013, the British Syrian Community of Manchester, in cooperation with Syria Relief charity, organized a fundraiser at ASDA Longsight superstore. Volunteers from other communities helped the Syrian children in bringing this event to success. The supervisors divided the work into shifts in which a child was to work up to 3 hours on that day.


A successful fundraiser at ASDA Hulme superstore in Manchester

On Saturday, 9 March 2013, the British Syrian Community of Manchester, in cooperation with Syria Relief charity, organized a fundraiser at ASDA Hulme superstore. Volunteers from other communities helped the Syrian children in bringing this event to success. The supervisors divided the work into shifts in which a child was to work up to 3 hours on that day. At the tills the children between 10 and 16 helped the shoppers packing their bought items, where customers were expected to donate money in the designat

On Saturday, 9 March 2013, the British Syrian Community of Manchester, in cooperation with Syria Relief charity, organized a fundraiser at ASDA Hulme superstore. Volunteers from other communities helped the Syrian children in bringing this event to success. The supervisors divided the work into shifts in which a child was to work up to 3 hours on that day.

