Rethink Rebuild Society
bi-monthly newsletter - Issue #13, 29/02/2016


5 Years On

I am writing these words whilst Syria is witnessing the calmest period in the last 4 years. Although the recent truce is not optimal, it gives us some hope that the bloodshed in Syria will stop soon inshallah.

RR will continue its work to explain that long-term peace in Syria cannot be achieved without establishing accountability for those who committed war crimes in Syria, starting with the Assad regime’s top leaders. We should always keep in mind that in Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Egypt and everywhere: No Justice, No Peace.

Best regards,

Dr. Haytham Alhamwi

Managing Director

Meeting with Lucy Powell MP

We met with Lucy Powell MP on 15 January in her office in Manchester city centre. This was our first formal meeting with Lucy, so there was a lot to discuss! We outlined our concerns for civilian protection and stressed that without such protection, not only will peace talks fail, but so will the fight against Daesh.

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Book Launch: Burning Country

RR hosted a book launch on 22 January for the book 'Burning Country: Syrians in Revolution and War'. We were joined by the author, Robin Yassin-Kassab, who captivated the audience for almost two hours as he examined some of the issues that appear in his book and took questions from the audience.

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Lib-Dem Special Conference on Syria

We had the pleasure of speaking at the Liberal-Democrats' special conference on the Syria vote. This conference was meant to review the party's policy in approaching the December vote on Syria (to bomb Daesh) and to discuss whether this represented the right course of action.

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Meeting with Members of High Negotiations Committee

We had the honour of meeting with members of the High Negotiations Committee, including Riad Hijab, George Sabra, and Salem al-Meslet on 9 February 2016. We listened to their impressions on the developments in Syria and presented them with our policy document.

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Women's meeting to start community initiatives

A group of women met in the office of Rethink Rebuild Society on Thursday 21 January to discuss community initiatives that they are interested in organising. The women agreed on a number of projects and assigned team leaders for each one.

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Conference on Resettlement of Syrian Refugees

Our Refugee Support Coordinator Amaf Yousef participated as a speaker at "Resettling Syrian Refugees: Delivering a multi-agency Resettlement programme in the East Midlands" held in BioCity, Nottingham on 11 February.

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More news

Upcoming Events


Qyam night
RR Multi-facility room, Manchester
Sunday, 6:30 pm


March in London on the 5th Anniversary of the Syrian revolution
Saturday, 12:00 pm


Indoor Family Funday
Burnage Academy for Boys, Manchester
Sunday, 12:00 pm

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