Rethink Rebuild Society
bi-monthly newsletter - Issue #10, 31/08/2015


Syrian Day V

On Sunday 30 August we held our biggest event of the year, our Fifth Annual Syrian Family Fun Day, which saw over 1500 attendees from across the UK. We would like to thank everyone who attended and showed support. We would also like to thank Lucy Powell MP for Central Manchester, Jeff Smith MP for Manchester Withington, Tony Lloyd Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner and interim Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Grace Fletcher-Hackwood Councillor for Fallowfield for taking time from their bank holiday weekend to be with us. Most importantly, we would like to thank our amazing team of volunteers who were with us from 9 am that morning until past midnight. This event could not have been the success that it was without you.


Meeting with MP Jeff Smith

MP Jeff Smith visited our office on 12 August to hear about issues that the Syrian community is facing. We presented him with an overview of the situation in Syria followed by seven core policy recommendations. Jeff engaged in a meaningful discussion with us and promised to help us get our message across to other Labour Parliamentarians. We are very grateful to Jeff for taking the time to meet with us.

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Meeting with MEP's Afzal Khan and Gianni Pittella

RR met with MEP's Afzal Khan and Gianni Pitella in our office on 13 August. After giving a brief presentation to them on the Syrian conflict, Afzal and Gianni asked us some questions on the conflict and were shocked to hear some of the facts and statistics. They have welcomed our further involvement in European Parliament.

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Protest in Manchester Against the Massacres in Douma

The Manchester Syrian community protested in Piccadilly Gardens on 19 August. The theme of the protest was 'The Assad Regime, not ISIS, is the Greatest Threat to Syrians'. We affirmed that while ISIS has killed thousands of innocent Syrian civilians and is a terrorist organisation which we condemn, the biggest threat to the civilian population in Syria is the Assad regime.

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A campaign to bring a quadriplegic Syrian refugee to the UK

We have launched a campaign to demand our Government to provide asylum for Khaldoon Sinjab and his family. Khaldoon is a quadriplegic Syrian refugee able to move only his tongue and is dependent upon electricity to live.

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Militant Labour Forum: Open UK borders to the “Calais immigrants” Migrants’ Lives Matter!

Our member Yasser Aljassem attended the Militant Labour Forum titled 'Open UK borders to the "Calais immigrants"' on 22 August. He provided his insight not only as a Syrian asylum seeker but also as someone who was previously in Calais. Yasser's presentation was praised by audience members as highly informative.

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Family trip to Lake District Windermere 08-08-2015

RR organised a trip to Lake District Windermere on 8 August for the Syrian community of Manchester. We left Manchester with 2 buses with about 100 people and enjoyed a day of tourism and sightseeing. The weather was amazing and the day was full fun for all members of the family!

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Eid ul-Fitr Dinner

Our Eid ul-Fitr celebration on 18 July was a huge success, with a hall for 300 people completely packed with British Syrians coming together to celebrate this holiday. It was very heart-warming to see such a large and vibrant Syrian community, with both children and adults alike socialising and participating in activities. Thank you to everyone who came, with special thanks to our volunteers who worked tirelessly throughout the event to make everyone's experiences so warm.

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Upcoming Events


Protest for refugees
Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester
Friday, 4pm – 6pm


Eid dinner and social gathering
Thursday, 6pm – 10pm


Monthly seminar: Dr Redawn Elkhayat
RR Multi-facility room, Manchester
Sunday, 7:30 pm

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